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Catering equipment for sale

Sold Assorted Catering Equipment Parts Hobart - Pitco - MKN - Falcon - Wiltshire


Parts for commercial catering equipment, mostly boxed with part numbers on the boxes or the part, never used and ready for use.
These parts are surplus to requirements & being sold by catering engineer.
Hobart contacter 996926 2
Pitco b6700604 ignition board that sits behind the front panel. Two off.
Pitco gas valve.
Pitco ignition box (grey)
MKN clam grill top plate heating element two off
MKN clam grill lower plate heating element two off. (not in Picture)
Two MKN clam grill thermostates.
Two garland piezo igniters.
Sit valve 840 sigma gas valve.
Sit valve 820 sigma gas valve
Electrolus gas valve.
Falcon gas valve.
Gas valve for oven.
Large relay PCB.
Meiko dishwasher tank heating element part number 999238.
Power supply for bakery oven.
Large pcb board for old Falcon oven. (very hard to find)

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Price includes postage with in the UK.

This item is now sold

Price: Sold
Brand: Falcon (67)