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Catering equipment for sale


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2320(W) x 865 (H) x 700 (D)
Refrigerator +1/+4°C
230V 50Hz Single Phase

£3195 +VAT

2320(W) x 865 (H) x 700 (D)
Refrigerator +1/+4°C
230V 50Hz Single Phase

£3195 +VAT

Double draw Williams under counter fridge

£550 VAT Free each

| Quantity: 2
This clean Williams under counter cabinet has been modified to a 1 door and 2 draw under counter unit is used and works perfectly.
Pat tested and ran down to temp with a setpoint of +2 degrees.

£1750 +VAT ono

A versatile 2-in-1 storage solution for your professional kitchen, this refrigerated counter from Polar’s G-Series is a great way to save space whilst keeping ingredients reliably chilled and easily accessed.

£1500 £1250 +VAT

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