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Sell your catering equipment
Serve a delicious cup of hot chocolate with this user friendly chocolate dispenser. Fast, simple and hygienic this appliance is the perfect choice to complete any serving area. The risk factors linked to preparing chocolate with fresh milk - due to its storage life and temperature - are no issues when using instant ingredients. With the Solo you can simply and safely offer your customers a delicious cup of hot chocolate

£275 +VAT

Serve a delicious cup of hot chocolate with this user friendly chocolate dispenser.
Fast, simple and hygienic this appliance is the perfect choice to complete any serving area.
The risk factors linked to preparing chocolate with fresh milk - due to its storage life and temperature - are no issues when using instant ingredients.

£275 +VAT

Stentor field vision xtra
Was used in hospital out patients so patients could have a drink while waiting.
So not really heavy usage.
Was regularly cleaned thoroughly and serviced

£995 £550 VAT Free ono

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