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Falcon Char Grill

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This medium duty gas chargrill is perfect for use in any commercial catering establishment, with two burners and cast iron branders this chargrill delivers evenly distributed heat and perfect branding results everytime.

£850 +VAT

Falcon 3 burner chargrill Nat gas
We have the missing knob

£750 VAT Free

Brand New Lava Rocks 5KG. New 5 kilos white lava rock stones for chargrills & gas grills.
This quality lava rock is used in gas bbq and chargrills like an Archway, Falcon, Lincat, Parry, Rutland, Garland, Imperial and more. We supply to restaurants and domestic bbq as well.

£15 +VAT

This item fits the falcon range of gas griddles, there is only one size ends are not broken, I only have the one. New and never used.

£120 VAT Free

£100 £90 VAT Free

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