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Catering equipment for sale
Brand New Diaminox VRX1800/330S Diaminox VRX1800/330S Refrigerated Pizza Saladette Topping unit. The top quality Diaminox VRX refrigerated topping unit is designed to give outstanding performance day after day in all catering establishments. Ideal for restaurants, fast food shops, takeaways , deli shops, sandwich bars etc. Manufactured from high grade stainless steel to give a high level of reliability, performance, style and outstanding value for money.

£450 +VAT

This chilled drop-in chilled food servery is perfect for use within any front of house location and has been designed to be positioned directly into your front of house counter. It comes complete with two 1/1 GN containers and is supplied with ventilation ducting. Additionally, the drop-in servery comes with easy to use digital control with temperature display which can be positioned almost anywhere within your front of house counter.

£350 +VAT

Brand New Atosa ICE3850 3 Door Bench Fridge Saladette. Three Door Refrigerated Saladette Sandwich / Pizza Preparation Counter.

£850 +VAT

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