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Sold Animatronic Flying Dragon - Cumbria


Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are selling our animatronic flying dragon costume / suit.

He is in perfect condition as we only got him at the end of last month.

Brilliant if you’re starting up a business or wanting a wow factor for parties and / or events.

Movements are head moves, mouth opens and closes, walk, wings open and close, blink eyes, eyes and throat glow and he even sprays smoke on command.

Sound, he has 8 different sounds, 4 for eyes and 4 for mouth.

We are gutted as we waited so long for him to be designed and made by a top manufacturer in China but due to a change in circumstances, we have to say goodbye to him.

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Delivery notes

Cumbria, collection only

This item is now sold

Price: Sold
